
07377 206 037


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9am - 7pm

I am a qualified Nutritional Advisor, Menopause Consultant and Puberty Specialist. I use my background in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which compliments our western understanding of the physiology and pathologies of the endocrine system over the lifespan of a female, to inform my work.

The classical Chinese texts do not regard menopause as a disorder but as a natural stage of life that in the past has not usually caused too many adverse effects. Puberty and Menopause are referred to as the ‘Great Gateways of Change”. In traditional cultures both were viewed as a rite of passage, the first being the gateway into womanhood and the second being the gateway to becoming an elder/consul, when we retire from demanding work and our reproductive system’s energy is transferred to our mental functioning. This allows development of the emotional wisdom and insight we might need to take an advisory and supportive role within our family or community.

Life in westernise and urbanized communities is very different from the past and some issues with our natural rhythms and cycles have emerged. These can show up as imbalances in our body, which can affect our hormones, immunity and our general mental and physical health. Women now often struggle with menopause and experience many challenging symptoms.  

Over the years of working with females in my clinic and workshops, it has become apparent that the earlier adjustments are made prior to the onset of peri-menopause or puberty, the fewer symptoms are experienced and the easier the transition becomes.

I’m passionate about helping females understand their bodies and with the knowledge I’ve gained from my years of study and client work in my practice, I have developed a natural and holistic approach to help alleviate unwanted symptoms that are associated with these 2 major transitions.


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