
07377 206 037


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9am - 7pm

I am a qualified Shiatsu, Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner with a specialism in women’s health in particular, puberty and menopause which are also known as the two Great Gateways of Change.

I’m passionate about helping females understand their bodies and with the knowledge I’ve gained from my years of study (anatomy, physiology and pathology) and through client work in my practice, I have developed a natural and holistic approach to help alleviate unwanted symptoms that are associated with these 2 major transitions.

I have been running workshops since 2019. The goal of these workshops is to support, inform and empower females to make informed choices about how they wish to embark on, and move through either of these two major phases in their life.


Menopause is a natural and important process where a woman’s menstrual cycle ceases and she transitions out of her reproduction years. It is a phase of multi-layered imbalances, and it can be a challenging and isolating time for many women as our bodies change and we may experience uncomfortable and unwanted symptoms. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, menopause is called the “Second Spring”. It represents the renewal of energy and opportunities as there is a shift from fertility and reproduction, to conserving and nourishing oneself.

Understand the physiological process (western and eastern perspectives) and explore holistic remedies and practises to help minimise or eliminate uncomfortable symptoms during this phase where your body is in transition and adjusting to a new balance; a new you.

Workshops held in Sheringham, Dereham and Norwich.





PUBERTY can be a scary and isolating time. There are many changes taking place physically, mentally and emotionally. The onset of menstruation, self-esteem issues and strained relationships are all too familiar challenges during this period. These are coming of age group sessions young females aged 9 – 16 years old with the aim to support, inform and empower them as they journey through the often, challenging prepubescent and puberty years.

Girls are assigned to the relevant group and session times based in their age

Junior Group ( 9- 11 yrs )Senior Group ( 12 – 14 yrs )Senior Circle ( 14 – 16 yrs )
10am -1pm12pm – 3pm3:30pm – 5:30pm


These workshops are delivered under our sister organisation Butterflies:  Here, you will find full details of how these sessions are delivered along with our Safeguarding Policy.

For further information please email: