
07377 206 037


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9am - 7pm

NWT Holistic Healing’s Shiatsu Sanctuary is the perfect setting for you to receive your treatment.

Shiatsu (pronounced Shee-At-Soo) is a massage and therapeutic bodywork which combines pressure, stretching, and rhythmic movements to improve energy flow, or ‘qi’, for relaxation and alignment helping both the body and the mind.

During your session, relevant meridians and pressure points (also known as acupuncture points) are manipulated by applied pressure, gentle stretches, and rotations. Each Shiatsu treatment is tailored to your unique presentation.

How can Shiatsu benefit me?

Shiatsu may improve range of movement, blood flow, and energy, as well as encourage deep relaxation and a sense of well-being. It may also help to rebalance the nervous, lymphatic, and hormonal systems and help to treat a number of specific complaints, including but not limited to:

  • Migraines & other headaches
  • Back pain (upper and lower back, Sciatica)
  • Neck & Shoulder pain
  • Arthritis & Chronic pain
  • Sprains & Strains
  • Sinus & Respiratory conditions
  • Insomnia & other sleep disorders
  • Digestive & Bowel Issues
  • Menstruation & Menopause related symptoms
  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Anxiety

Do I need to take off my clothes? No, you will remain fully clothed throughout your treatment.

Will there be any discomfort? No, Shiatsu will work to your body’s limits and not beyond. I will speak with you throughout the session to ensure your maximum comfort is achieved. Your treatment should be a beautifully releasing and relaxing experience.

Shiatsu traditionally takes place on a futon mat on the floor; however, a massage bed or massage chair is available at the Shiatsu Sanctuary to suit clients with various mobility or physical challenges.

ACCESSIBILITY: There is client parking available, and the Shiatsu Sanctuary is situated on the ground floor providing easy access for clients with mobility difficulties.