If we don’t have sugar in our tea or coffee, don’t have a bag of sugar in our food cupboards, and don’t eat cakes, biscuits, or baked goods… can we …

SUGAR: Consuming a poison without the antidote?

The vagina is one of the most absorbent and sensitive parts of the female body, with arteries, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels being abundant in the vaginal wall. Despite this, …

The known and lesser known symptoms of Candida Overgrowth
In some holistic schools of thought, phlegm is said to be the cause of all disease. Phlegm has a great importance in Traditional Chinese Medicine as it is both a …

Summer Solstice – The Greatest Yang
The Summer Solstice is a jubilant display of yang energy as the sun has reached its zenith, marking the beginning of summer and hotter days. YinYang is a Taoist understanding …